Harland Pettibone
Trixie Johnson
Scooter Williamson
Family History
After the Civil War the South was broken down to its knees. There was nothing left. Everything of value was stolen and everything the Union Soldiers couldn’t carry away they burned to punish the Confederates. Just when it could not get any worse the carpet baggers and vipers came in to pick the rest of the bones clean. Life was hard and cruel. Man turned on man and family on family to keep their property and their lives safe. You could not get gun powder, salt, sugar, flour or just the staples of life. There was no seed available. Livestock was scarce and none of the currency was any good. Some moved on to try and start over but there were three families whose blood ran deep in these Blue Ridge Mountains and they weren't going anywhere. They took the law into their own hands to protect and provide for their families. It started with trading in black market goods but over the years it widened to whatever it was they needed. Leadership has been handed down thru out the years to the strongest. It's a family tradition.
© 2016 Stephen Allen Davis,All Rights Reserved.
© 2017 Stephen Allen Davis,All Rights Reserved.
Harland Pettibone is head of the three major crime families that control the counties at the Tennessee-North Carolina State Line and Trixie Johnson and Scooter Williamson head the other two families. They are ruthless, vengeful and territorial. They stay banded together for the good of all but there is always a delicate balance in keeping the uneasy peace when so much is at stake. Their money crops are drugs, extortion, kidnapping, whiskey, prostitution, gambling and murder. Mix in a little KKK, the Kiwanis, Pentecostal snake handlers, bibles, guns and grits and you have the HILLBILLY NATION.
BUT There are some other problems
Vampires and zombies